Tarot cards offer little value in predicting the future. On the other hand, they can be used as a tool to separate fools from their money. However, setting aside the fortune-telling folklore and mythology that surrounds them, they are interesting to consider on their own merit.
Each card tells a story, and those stories have value. Some are stories you may recognize from the Bible, others come from different traditions. Many of these stories are beautifully illustrated on the cards. Some stories you will know instantly, just by seeing the picture. Others are a little more esoteric, the story having become lost over time, so that it is no longer recognized by the viewer. As with any story, what you get out of it will vary from person to person.
I say this only as a way of pointing out there is nothing particularly supernatural, spiritual, or occult, about these stories. They are simply stories, very old ones, and like many old stories, they continue to be told, precisely because they have value.
Many years ago I spent a little time studying these stories, not as a tool for telling the future, but for the same reason anyone reads any ancient story, to gain insight. And they are insightful. Many of the archetypes they depict are still with us today. Occasionally I see someone or something in our modern world that reminds me of one of the stories of the Tarot. If nothing else, it reminds me that this person or behavior I’m seeing is not new, they are, in fact, very, very old.
I say all that, so I can say the following, hopefully without sounding too much like a nut-case…
It occurred to me, the other night, as I was drifting off to sleep, there is a reason Trump Tower is the home of Donald Trump, and the headquarters of his campaign. And there is a reason it is iconic…
Trump Tower IS the Tower of the Tarot. It is the Tower of Babel. It is the eternal symbol of man’s pride and of man’s folly. It is man’s attempt to achieve greatness, only to fail miserably, buried under the rubble of the tower’s collapse. The Tower is the ultimate symbol of man’s destruction, brought about by his own hands, and the result of his own pride. In this illustration of the Tarot card we see the destruction of the Tower, at the hand of the Divine. The two figures falling to their death, I can only assume must be Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani…
Then I thought, is there a Tarot symbol that might represent Trump? One card came to mind immediately. The deceiver, the enslaver of man, the purveyor of false hopes, and false promises. Trump IS The Devil of the Tarot (not THE actual Devil, mind you, it’s more symbolic, anything that can become a “devil”). And in this Tarot card we see the Orange One himself, seated on his throne, surrounded by a few of his devoted supporters. It is important to note that they have voluntarily chained themselves to him.
Anyhow, that is my great insight for today. Treat it the same as you would any insight that comes from a pack of playing cards.